Biosolids SPOTLIGHT: A focus on the people of biosolids who work in our region

October 2024 - MABA Biosolids Spotlight 

Provided to MABA members by Bill Toffey, Effluential Synergies, LLC 

SPOTLIGHT on Co-Digestion at Rahway Valley Sewerage Authority

Successful implementation of innovative technologies at wastewater reclamation facilities is very often a consequence of the support of a tenacious champion with operational knowledge and engagement.  Rahway Valley Sewerage Authority, a New Jersey WRRF serving a quarter million people, is an agency that has stood apart for its innovative technologies for energy and solids management.  James Meehan served as the executive director for the RVSA from 2010 through 2022 and championed this philosophy.  Under his leadership, the RVSA explored many options to leverage the assets of the RVSA and was on the forefront of environmental initiatives, including co-digestion of food waste, beneficial reuse of biosolids, and eventually renewable natural gas.  

Working with RVSA to manage the challenges of those innovations has been John Buonocore.  Over the past fifteen years, Buonocore served first as chief engineer, later as assistant director, and since 2022 as the authority’s executive director.  Every workday Buonocore continues Meehan’s vision and presses for projects that implement a vision of maximum utilization of his agency’s assets to improve financial health and reduce operational risks.  Foremost are questions of using the capacity of RVSA assets to reduce energy budgets, to manage biosolids costs and risks, and to use resources in the private sector to bring in technology and to share risks. Through it all, Buonocore has navigated a complex field of staffing, board policies, procurement options and regulatory considerations, and against the backdrop of unexpected events, such as the kinds posed by PFAS or that of key equipment failures. 

Several metrics of the RVSA operation stand out as key to its program innovations. These metrics reflect the geographically central location of RVSA in the NY-NJ Metropolitan region, with particularly good transportation access, with potential flows of carbon-rich organics by sewer and truck, with a specific set of environmental standards set by the NJDEP’s approach to water and air quality.  

Extra capacity in RVSA anaerobic digesters prompted RVSA’s interest in food waste supplementation. The US EPA had funded a pilot of co-digestion of food waste with wastewater solids at East Bay Municipal Utility District (East Bay MUD) in Oakland, California. Its findings were widely reported in such documents in 2008 as “Turning Food Waste into Energy at the East Bay Municipal Utility District” and “Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste.” The Water Research Foundation issued a series of publications on this topic, notably “Co-Digestion of Organic Waste Products with Wastewater Solids (2014),” finding “the practice of adding waste organic feedstock directly to anaerobic digesters is becoming an attractive way for utilities to generate revenue from tipping fees while boosting biogas production “ Buonocore muses, “I don’t know why every agency with digesters doesn’t explore co-digestion.” 

WM Organic Recycling was ready to step up to RVSA’s interest in co-digestion.  Dan Hagen, Director of Business Development for WM Organics Recycling, has been the go-to person for RVSA.  WM was able to offer its CORe® system technology, the centralized organic recycling equipment, a proprietary process that converts commercial source-separated food waste into EBS®, an engineered bioslurry product.  This is a “milk-shake-like” flowable liquid of about 15% solids concentration and with an energy-rich COD concentration of about 200,000 mg/liter.  Hagen brought to RVSA the success of CORe at the Los Angeles facility that fed digesters at LA Counties Sanitation district, and two other East Coast operations, one in Brooklyn, producing EBS for NYCDEP’s Newtown Creek WRRF, and the other in Boston, producing EBS for Greater Lawrence Sanitation District in North Andover, Massachusetts.  All three of these reference facilities successfully enhanced biogas production without adverse effects on digester operations.

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WM Organics Recycling provides a reactor for creating a slurry of the screened source-separated organic wastes, mostly collected from commercial sources. CORe stands for centralized organic recycling equipment.

Using the vehicle of a competitively-bid Public-Policy-Partnership proposal, subsequently negotiated successfully with WM Organics Recycling and WM’s Greater Mid-Atlantic Market Area, WM built at RVSA a 210,000-gallon EBS receiving facility and installed its CORe food waste receiving and process system in Elizabeth, New Jersey.  In full operation now for several years, WM ships on average 30,000 gallons of EBS daily five to six days each week. The receiving tank at RVSA is sized to allow plant operators to feed the digester 24-7, for the kind of even feeding important for steady digester operations and rates of biogas production. Both the Elizabeth CORe and the RVSA receiving facility have capacity for future expansion. But at present, EBS deliveries are such that the mass of volatile solids from the EBS are roughly equivalent to the mass of volatile solids coming from primary and waste activated processes.

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The Public Private Partnership between RSVA and WM resulted in the installation at RSVA of a Food Waste Receiving Station.

In addition to extra digester capacity, RVSA had other assets and opportunities within its fence line. One of these is biogas fueled electric generators. Four 1.5 MW Caterpillar internal combustion engine (ICE) generators had been installed at RVSA in 2007, a genset complex that enables RVSA to operate fully should electrical service to the plant be lost. The ICE generators had been equipped with dual fuel controls to allow for digester gas, natural gas, or blended digester and natural gas. With the EBS supplementation, one of the ICE engines can run 24/7 on straight digester gas.

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RSVA has a genset with a combined power potential of 6.5 Megawatts, though it is presently set up to operate one CAT internal combustion engine with biogas from the co-digestion of wastewater solids and engineered bioslurry.

RVSA has also a biogas clean up system in support of the fueling of the ICE generators. This is a Unison brand system that removes hydrogen sulfide, drops the moisture, filters particulates, and then passes the biogas through a carbon filter to remove siloxane. It then compresses the biogas, which results in additional moisture reduction. At this point, the gas typically has 650 BTUs per cubic foot of energy value. The Unison system is currently providing cleaned digester gas to power a single generator on a continuous basis, but is at maximum capacity and cannot handle additional biogas. To process the additional digester gas produced through the co-digestion process, RVSA is pursuing a new system to remove the CO2 component of biogas, to bring it up to the energy content of natural gas, and RVSA is discussing this option with WM Organics Recycling. 

Another asset at RVSA is its Komline-Sanderson indirect paddle dryer, installed in 2004 and now 20 years old.  The dryer was designed explicitly to draw upon ICE generator waste heat, though it can also be heated directly by a natural gas boiler. The dryer is sized to evaporate nearly 5 tons of water hourly, about twice the requirements for the mass of centrifuge dewatered cake that RVSA had been producing through its Centrisys centrifuges. The waste heat from two of the cogen ICE units is sufficient to meet the energy requirements for the dryer when in operation.  The capacity of the dryer is sufficient to handle more than current digested solids, so additional solids from supplementation of the digesters pose no issue.

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The Komline-Sanderson indirect paddle dryer is set up to use waste heat from the electric generators. The dryer is operated continuously for a four day period each week, and at present the dried biosolids is used for alternative daily cover at municipal solid waste landfills, a category of use designated by NJDEP as beneficial.

As one of the MABA region’s biosolids leaders has been known to say: “between the cup and the lip is many a slip.” The path for RVSA has had its tortuous aspects, and Buonocore has provided his colleagues in the wastewater profession candid assessments of challenges RVSA has faced during NJWEA conferences 2022 through 2024.

Dried product conveyance is a challenge. Buonocore has described in presentations on his facility the conveyors of dried biosolids from the dryers to truck loading as a “chutes and ladders” system, a design determined by the building layout. The conveyance system contributes to degradation of the dried biosolids, resulting in a dusty product unwanted by farmers and other customers. RVSA installed a system to spray oil on the dried biosolids to suppress dust, but this is an expensive additive with downstream risks, including increased self-heating.  

In 2023, nineteen years after its installation, the dryer suffered a major leak to its thermal oil, requiring months to empty and clean the dryer and complicated confined space welding to add hard facing of the paddles. 

Buonocore is tracking several factors that can influence RVSA solids handling. One of these is PFAS. Should national standards for biosolids use be amended to reflect risks of PFAS in a way that would limit the recycling of RVSA biosolids, then Buonocore might focus a search into thermal processes that can reliably destroy biosolids-borne PFAS, and perhaps other micropollutants. This could be such technologies as gasification, pyrolysis and supercritical water oxidation. But Buonocore is looking for successful reference facilities at municipal plants elsewhere before moving ahead. 

Another factor Buonocore is tracking is innovative drying technologies. At present, repairs made to the Komline indirect paddle dryers will extend this equipment for several years going forward.  RVSA biosolids disposition program does not presently accomplish the circular economy goal of nutrient and carbon recycling to land.  RVSA received priced proposals for handling RVSA’s biosolids, both its cake and dried forms, and reached an agreement with WM for its contract. Today, WM is using the RVSA biosolids almost entirely for daily cover at its municipal solid waste landfill operations. This category for use meets the New Jersey definition for beneficial use.  Further out, RVSA may look at recent experiences with new dryers, such as radiant belt dryers, and reconsider direct rotary dryers for the quality of the product that would attract farmer use, which would better fulfill the kind of environmental sustainability that has been a key to the RVSA goal. 

Another area of concern for Buonocore is flaring.  Biogas yield is highly responsive to the rates of feed of the bioslurry into the digesters, and challenges of balancing that feed to the separate streams of thickened primary and WAS solids can result in spikes of biogas that must be flared.  Buonocore seeks to minimize flaring through use of the cogeneration engines and the proposed RNG production. 

WM and RVSA have been working on the bioslurry program since 2018. Lessons were learned on the way the slurry is handled. This includes the type of metals and coatings used to protect equipment from the acidic and corrosive properties of the bioslurry.  RVSA learned how it can deploy automatic monitoring of liquid and gas flows so that it can respond, for instance, to variations in organic loadings, gas quality, and digester temperatures. RVSA and WM have been able to show that RVSA can readily double the production of biogas with bioslurry, and the mesophilic digesters remain stable, even when organic loading from the bioslurry is in a 50:50 proportion to the wastewater solids. The total mass of biosolids handled by RVSA has increased only slightly despite the significant loadings of bioslurry, and its dewaterability and its dried product quality have not changed appreciably.  

RVSA has been pursuing a new biogas project -- the treatment of biogas to the standard of renewable natural gas (RNG). RVSA has within its reach the 100 PSI natural gas main of Elizabethtown Gas. The potential for sale of NRG to Elizabethtown, with the significant financial incentive provided by an environmental attribute known as RINs, makes the extra costs of biogas clean up and CO2 removal a clear financial benefit.  The strategy under consideration is having all biogas directed at production of RNG. In this case, regular natural gas is used to run the ICE genset, and waste heat is used in the biosolids dryers. Flaring could be thereby significantly reduced, and complications of running the genset on biogas could also be avoided.

While significant projects lay ahead, RVSA’s accomplishments to date with co-digestion, biogas utilization, and beneficial solids use place RVSA as a national role model for sustainability in wastewater treatment.

For more information, contact Mary Baker at [email protected] or 845-901-7905.


September 2024 - MABA Biosolids Spotlight 

Provided to MABA members by Bill Toffey, Effluential Synergies, LLC 


DC Water’s biosolids product, Bloom, “sparks joy!” While influencer Marie Kondo’s “spark joy” tips no longer focus on tidiness, she now advises on the “little activities that bring peace and joy on a deeper level.”  Any biosolids manager who reviews the case studies and testimonials of Bloom users, easily found on Blue Drop websites and social media, cannot help but enter a zone of peace and joy. The District’s plan for a first-in-the-U.S. technology embraced some 15 years ago envisioned “biosolids product(s) that will have maximum potential use in the marketplace” (WEFTEC 2010, “Development Criteria in the Age of Sustainability – DC Water’s New Paradigm for Biosolids and Energy Management”).  That dream has been actualized, and that “sparks joy.”

The birth of Bloom as a soil product followed closely upon completion at DC Water’s Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant of the biosolids treatment process that combined the Cambi Thermal Hydrolysis Process with new mesophilic anaerobic digesters and new belt filter presses. On January 17, 2017, the DC Water Blog offered this announcement: “One Drop Begets Another: We launched [Blue Drop] 54 days ago with the goal of marketing products and services DC Water has already developed – to generate revenue and improve the state of the water sector.”  This brought the “new paradigm for biosolids” to reality.

Seven years of market development have brought Bloom to a peak place among biosolids products. But for the venerable Milorganite, nearing its 100th anniversary (1926 to 2026), Bloom, with its tagline “Good Soil, Better Earth,” has developed an unexcelled breadth of its product reach compared to exceptional quality biosolids worldwide. Its markets range from city sites to rural lands, from community gardens to large farms, from homeowners to highly esteemed professionals. Bloom is available in its “fresh” form (Fresh Bloom) and in two blends, the Woody Blend and the Sandy Blend. Specification sheets are available for all three forms, describing physical and chemical characteristics, and use information sheets are available for each. Market segments have coalesced into landscaper and resellerscontractorsfarmers, and homeowners.  For all markets, Blue Drop prepares a photographic gallery and testimonials of successful product uses, many backed up by 18 webinars viewable on YouTube.

As is true for most successful ventures, committed, forward-thinking champions comprise the Bloom production and marketing enterprise.  At the head of the enterprise is Chris Peot, who for 25 years has been one of the nation’s foremost advocates for biosolids recycling and high-quality product formulation. He arrived at the DC Water and Sewer Authority when the agency was knee-deep in substandard, odor-prone residuals, determined to change its off-kilter course and poor reputation. He was a key advocate for the treatment train announced in 2010 to create a product with the promise that was to become Bloom. He helped conceive the marketing program for the Bloom biosolids product that would launch Blue Drop. Chris now serves the dual role of Interim President of Blue Drop and the Director of Recovery and Wastewater Treatment for the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water). 

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Chris Peot, Director of Resource Recovery, giving a tour of Cambi Thermal Hydrolysis Process units at DC Water’s Blue Plains AWTP

Chris Peot’s pledge was to create the highest value biosolids product that would yield the District and its ratepayers the highest returns. To accomplish this, he would have DC Water create versatile products and markets.  DC Water would turn to soil and plant experts, notably Ron Alexander, to assist customers on technical issues, and the agency would support related practical and university end use research, as with Drs. Greg Evanylo and Gary Felton.  Peot needed a vehicle, Blue Drop, to assist with marketing, engaging a staff of problem-solvers and passionate advocates for the product. Today in 2024, Bloom is supported by the brilliance of April Thompson, Holly Kiser and Victoria Alleyne. 

Marketing Bloom has become a unique success with April Thompson, who leads the Bloom marketing and sales efforts. April holds an MBA and an MA in International Development from American University and a BA from the University of Virginia, which led her to work in more than a dozen countries. She has worked in non-governmental organizations on important causes, such as food security and child labor. She is also a freelance journalist, particularly on sustainable lifestyle topics, and is passionate about urban agriculture and conservation, having completed the master gardener and naturalist programs. April now brings these commitments to important issues and these talents in marketing, communication and project management to her position as Senior Director for Bloom. And she does so in the context of a strong effort at DC Water to make a great product.  "The team at DC Water deserves a ton of credit," April is quick to say, "as they actually blend our beautiful product in house, they help deliver to our customers and they work literally day and night to get trucks loaded."

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April Thompson, Senior Director, bragging about the results of Bloom

April holds up golf courses as a growing type of customer for Bloom, overseen by Bloom Sales Manager Victoria Alleyne. Victoria is the Bloom Sales Manager working with landscapers, contractors, land resellers.  While born in the US, Victoria was raised in Barbados, the origin of her love of plants.  She earned a BS in Environmental Sciences and her MBA from the University of Maryland Global Campus.  Prior to Bloom, Victoria spent more than four years at Maryland Environmental Services, where she was part of MES organics diversion, composting, and recycling, including the marketing and distribution of Leafgro.

Golf courses are by no measure easy customers for Victoria, as Bloom is not a familiar soil amendment, and much is at stake in successful product performance. The expectations by golf course superintendents for their soil products is for even, deep green landscape, for spotless, disease-free turf, and for the precise balance of good drainage yet adequate moisture holding characteristics. Over the past several years, Bloom has managed to earn the trust and respect of expert consultants in the golf industry, who help tailor the Bloom product to the exacting, dependable performance needed by courses.  

April and Victoria have come to appreciate the expert voice of Jeff Michel, Vice President of M&M Consulting, who in a recent training webinar spoke alongside Allen Turner, Superintendent of Four Streams Golf Course on specific aspects of Bloom that are highly valued. These include sand blends that have a controlled release of nutrients at a pace matching turf needs, not over-fertilizing (which weakens the grass) not resulting in leaching below the roots (which is a waste of money). The result is turf that is deeply rooted, a key to drought resistance and plant health.

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Before and after pictures of green restoration using the Sandy Blend Bloom product at the Four Streams Golf Course

In the “Bloom fan club” also is Ben Ellis, superintendent of the golf course at Andrews Air Force Base. Ellis speaks to how Bloom builds soil cation exchange capacity with its organic matter, how it sequesters carbon for sustainability and how it provides a kick of extra iron and nitrogen for super green color. But it was the cost-effective availability of the Bloom Sand Blend in high volumes that was the lifesaver at a project he managed at Fort Belvoir, when he restored ten acres entirely devoid of topsoil and organic matter. At his post at Andrews, his eye is now on a large delivery of Bloom for development of a driving range.  

Victoria is also responsible for large contractor jobs.  She points to the South Capitol Bridge, the largest Bloom project to date, as a capstone event. Also known as the Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge project, plans included highly visible landscapes, challenging grades and paths for public accessibility for bikers and walkers. This mandated high quality turf and plant establishment for what was to become a world-class landscape, hence the need for Bloom as a dependable foundation for success. The soil specification for the DC Department of Transportation called for a significant increase in organic matter to bring the existing topsoil to a quality suitable for sustainable plant growth. Landscape architects and soil scientists came together to find an optimal blend that included Bloom for its capability to provide a rich quantity of slow-release nutrients.  The Bloom-amended soil could provide drought resistance through good water holding capacity, disease tolerance from its balance of plant nutrients, and good soil structure for water drainage and storm management control.

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Fresh Bloom applied for in situ incorporation with existing soil fill at South Capitol Bridge project

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Capitol Bridge South with high value landscape plantings completed

Holly Kiser, Blue Drop’s Agricultural Liaison, calls herself a “farm kid.” She was raised on a dairy farm, and today lives with her farmer husband and two children on Radley Bend, a multi-generational farm producing hay, dairy, and cattle, and of course pigs her kids tend as 4H projects. She has personally witnessed biosolids benefits to crop production and soil health, so is able to compellingly represent Bloom as an affordable and natural fertilizer.

Blue Drop has posted a case study of an agricultural application of Bloom at the Lorn Carlee farm. Carlee’s 600-acre farm in Washington and Frederick Counties in Maryland is on a path to improved soil health, greater crop yields and sustainability with the use of organic matter sources.  Carlee started using chicken litter and then moved to Bloom, committing to transforming his cultural practices over a five-year period. He is using 20 tons per acre of Bloom on sorghum and 10 tons per acre on soybeans, resulting in larger sorghum heads and greener leaves and soybeans that are taller and more productive.  Without Bloom, Carlee had been barely achieving 100 bushels of sorghum per acre, but with Bloom Carleereaches a yield of 135 bushels per acre.  Carlee has discovered that Bloom makes crops more resilient to drought, and he expects that future soil tests will show improvement in his soil’s improved cation exchange capacity. With improved soil health, Carlee expects to move his target of corn production from 200 bushels per acre to 250 bushels.  Through Bloom, Holly has introduced to Lorn Carlee Fresh Bloom as a source of organic matter and natural nutrients that puts into real action sustainable farming.

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Bloom applied to farm fields results in notable improvements in crop vitality

The highly skilled and dedicated Blue Drop sales team has a key foundation of support back at DC Water – James Fotouhi, the Resource Recovery Program Manager. James has been with DC Water for nearly 7 years, providing Blue Drop’s sales team with the regulatory, science and logistical foundation necessary for this unusually wide-ranging and necessarily transparent sales program. James has a civil engineering degree from the University of British Columbia, which engaged his interests in energy and water efficiencies and that propelled him in his early career with Engineers without Borders and with water technology consultants BlueTech Research. At DC Water, James has worked on energy efficiencies, carbon management and greenhouse gas emissions, and he has provided avenues for program efficiencies to reduce costs in the Bloom marketing. His technology and science skills have made him a key staffer, supported by able staffers such as Antoine Wroton, in addressing current issues with microcontaminants.

James underscores the importance of Bloom product quality in the entire recycling enterprise.  James says “one of the keys to Bloom’s success is consistent product quality. When operated correctly, THP can produce a very homogenized, low odor material, and DC Water does a great job keeping it functional. Operations has discovered a lot of flexibility in the system, finding that even with entire digesters or CAMBI trains down for months at a time, the Class A VSR [volatile solids reduction] and time/temperature requirements [for further pathogen reduction] can still be easily met. In 10 years since commissioning, the biosolids treatment process has always met and exceeded our permit requirements.”

Keeping the biosolids treatment process working is a committed team of wastewater treatment professionals at DC Water.  James called out Eric Barnett, in Process Engineering, and Dennis Morris, Program Manager Department of Maintenance Services, as heading the teams that keep the process moving dependably 24-7.  Dennis emphasized: “[Cambi} is not a set-and-forget process. We have good people who really care about their jobs, and they need to be constantly aware. Thermal hydrolysis is a good process, but we have needed continuous improvements for changes to optimize it.” Dennis is always in search of young people to train as the next generation to keep the Bloom product excellent.

DC Water and Blue Drop together are the global leaders in the production, distribution and sales of exceptional quality biosolids for use in urban and nearby agricultural landscapes. The progress across the 15 years from concept to full implementation has been a steady perseverance and commitment to principles of sustainability, circular economy and resource use efficiency.  This endeavor is a shining example for all of us in the biosolids profession, an example that can spark joy.

For more information, contact Mary Baker at [email protected] or 845-901-7905.


August 2024 - MABA Biosolids Spotlight 

Provided to MABA members by Bill Toffey, Effluential Synergies, LLC 

SPOTLIGHT on Two New Members and Two Great Programs

Capital Region Water in Harrisburg, PA

The 60 foot by 160 foot covered biosolids storage pad, with a capacity of about 50 truck loads of biosolids cake, has been a family project. The Longnecker family, with patriarch 76-year-old Glenn and wife Sharon, son Jamie and his wife Gail, and son Danny built this framed and fabric covered shed in Elizabethtown, situated within the cluster of homes, barns, garages and roosts that comprise their farm. The shed is complete, the ribbon has been cut and the first deliveries of digested cake have been received from the Capital Region Water (CRW) plant 25 miles upriver on the Susquehanna River. The Longneckers grow field corn, soybean and barley on 300 acres for a herd of 200 steers and flocks of 30,000 chickens and guinea hens. In erecting this storage facility, the Longneckers ensure their ongoing supply of CRW biosolids, and avoid the “mess” that field unloading of cake had been for their nearly 20 years of biosolids use. 

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Three generations of Longneckers all joined in on the construction of the 60’ by 160’ biosolids storage facility on their 300-acre farm outside Elizabethtown, PA, a 25-minute truck ride from CRW’s plant in Harrisburg

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The covered storage facility can hold upwards of 1,200 tons of biosolids cake for fertilizing field corn, soybeans and barley in support of their herd of steer and their flock of poultry

One big winner in this story is CRW, one of MABA’s newest public utility members, operating a 21 MGD facility in the city of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. CRW is now rebuilding its land application program after years of landfill co-disposal.  This rebuild is part of a long-range program for reinvestment in its biosolids treatment facilities, the implementation of a biosolids master plan completed in 2018 for this plant. CRW produces approximately 2,500 dry tons of solids annually, a number expected to grow as the agency implements a project to truck-in sources of additional gas-producing organic matter for its digesters. 

Jess Rosentel, Chief Operations Officer, can readily enumerate the series of improvements that have been completed over the past several years.  A capstone of these just broke ground in June 2024, the Energy Recovery Improvements Project. Improvements to solids handling systems include such features as: installation of 1/4 inch screens at its headworks; complete rebuild of its mesophilic anaerobic digesters, including interior surface liners, replacement of gas mixers with linear motion mixers and installation of fixed covers with gas holding capacity; and separate digestion of primary and secondary solids, both sources thickened ahead of digestion by gravity belt thickeners.

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CRW, undertaking a series of solids handling improvements set forth in a 2018 master plan upgraded the anaerobic digesters, including adding a fixed cover in support of linear motion mixers

A key component of the digester project is the hydrolysis pretreatment of thickened waste activated solids. This process decision was supported by a comprehensive solids and energy planning model developed by engineering consultant Arcadis, managed for CWR by Arcadis’s Eric Auerbach, which showed that improved volatile solids destruction would benefit both biogas production and reduced biosolids utilization costs. 

CRW chose for WAS hydrolysis the Pondus alkaline thermal hydrolysis system manufactured by Centrisys in Kenosha, WI, and represented locally by Kappe Associates, both MABA members.  In contrast to the better-known Cambi thermal hydrolysis process that treats combined solids under high temperature and pressure to a Class A level of pathogen reduction, the Pondus system will pretreat the waste activated secondary solids at low temperature and pressure using an alkaline addition. The process will be ahead of thickening and mesophilic digestion, producing instead a Class B biosolids.  CRW did not target Class A treatment, as it is comfortable with its Class B options for utilization. Instead, CRW prioritized improved volatile solids destruction for reduced hauling volumes and increased biogas yield in support of its outlets for Renewable Natural Gas.

Pretreatment of WAS with hydrolysis was a key objective.  CRW had earlier installed Enhanced Nutrient Removal and had witnessed the troubling performance of its Belt Filter Presses (BFPs) to achieve the goal of 20 percent solids.  This is because ENR produces phosphorus accumulating bacteria that under anaerobic conditions release Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) that interfere with release of bound water during press operations.  Hydrolysis promises to disintegrate the EPS to promote a far more dewaterable feedstock to the BFPs and hence significant reduction in total cake production.

Arcadis also guided CRW toward an innovative energy program for its solids treatment, providing two special components. First, a high strength liquid waste receiving station has been built which will allow CRW to accept trucked-in liquid High Strength Organic Waste (HSOW).  This organic loading will supplement the blended primary and hydrolyzed WAS by up to 20 percent of total organic loading. Some of the biogas from anaerobic digestion will still go to boilers for internal energy use, but CRW will not need to replace its 40-year-old ICE generators. Instead, it will process the biogas to standards for Renewable Natural Gas set by UGI Energy Services (UGIES) for injection into a pipeline conveniently situated along its property boundary. CRW will operate the gas clean up equipment, but UGIES will operate the equipment for continuous monitoring of gas quality, a step required for pipeline injection. The revenue from the sale of the RNG to UGIES is nearly double the basic commodity price because of the value of the RINs (Renewable Identification Numbers) assigned to biogas.  CRW will also receive tipping fee revenue for acceptance of HSOW. Nearby Derry Township Municipal Authority (DTMA), featured in the July SPOTLIGHT on Thermal Processes, has many years of experience with HSOW, and substantial additional sources of HSOW have been identified nearby by consultant Material Matters, as this region has a deep agricultural economy and many food processors.

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Recent ground-breaking for the Pondus thermal hydrolysis system will add to the complex of equipment that includes the gas clean up system and the receiving station for the High Strength Organic Waste liquids that provide supplemental biogas production

This comprehensive biosolids system overhaul has taken teamwork. Rosentel gives credit to colleagues throughout the chain of command. Roy Hoke, Operations Supervisor, has championed the efforts to bring the new equipment online and ensure good performance. David Stewart, the Chief Technical Officer, was instrumental in vetting the choice of processes and equipment. CEO Charlotte Katzenmoyer and the board were engaged all along the way in understanding the choices and supporting the investments.  Centrisys had to patiently await the conclusion of the yearlong negotiation between CRW and UGIES over terms of its contract before it could break ground on its Pondus system.  Arcadis remains tied to CRW in its review of equipment installation.  Material Matters is helping CRW set up its agency’s system for monitoring land applications by Longneckers and other farmers that may be attracted to CRW’s improved biosolids quality.

Upper Occoquan Service Authority in Centerville, Virginia

Biosolids dryers are the key feature of the Class A Exceptional Quality management program at Upper Occoquan Service Authority (UOSA). Its two dryers enable UOSA to dependably produce 7,000 dry tons annually of dried biosolids pellets for a wide variety of agricultural and horticultural uses in the northern Virginia region around Manassas.   UOSA operates the Millard H. Robbins Water Reclamation Plant, serving four jurisdictions: Prince William and Fairfax Counties and the cities of Manassas and Manassas Park.  It discharges an average of 42 MGD of effluent to a reservoir watershed, and hence it is tasked with very stringent standards for treatment. UOSA’s culture of innovation and high performance is captured in its solids treatment as well as its liquid treatment components. 

Class A biosolids products have been a commitment of UOSA for several decades, but the dryers were not UOSA’s first venture into production of Class A biosolids.  Windrow composting of its pressed biosolids cake was the original technology UOSA worked with, using to its advantage a remote location.  As the plant was expanded in 2001 from 32 MGD to 54 MGD and its digester capacity was expanded, UOSA moved also to a Swiss Combi closed loop rotary dryer.  The capacity of this innovative dryer, assembled for UOSA in 2004 by Berlie Technologies in Canada (now Groupe Berlie-Falco), was supplemented with the RDP Advanced Alkaline treatment system which had been installed in place of composting. RDP subsequently was kept in place to cover as a backup processing system for UOSA’s dryers if Part 503 requirements for drying were not met by the dryers or if they were down for servicing.  The Swiss Combi dryer, which is a single pass dryer with a 3.5 ton/hour evaporative capacity, could not always meet the solids volumes or meet the drying standard.  UOSA’s drying capacity was then amplified with the installation of an Andritz Rotary Drum Dryer, a triple pass dryer with a 4.4 ton/hour evaporative capacity, which became the primary equipment for Class A treatment. The Swiss Combi is pulled into operation in the Spring season, when the Robbins plant works to draw down its winter accumulation of microbial solids, “culling the herd,” as Solids Supervisor Kevin Gately calls it.

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Kevin Gately, UOSA Solids Supervisor, with a sample of biosolids pellets produced by the Andritz rotary drum dryer

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UOSA’s rotary dryers produce rounded pellets of uniform size and strength, with a strong market value

Class A heat drying is a necessary biosolids treatment step for UOSA. Brenda Arce, Process Operations Engineer, explains that the biosolids feedstock to the dryer is a blend of digested primary sludge and undigested thickened waste activated sludge (TWAS). Without drying, a blend of TWAS and digested primary solids would not meet Class B standards, so land application of a blended cake is not an option during downtime of the dryers.  UOSA’s three digesters are set up for primary sludge digestion. The primary feed and digested solids drawdown are carefully balanced to keep the anaerobic system stable and free from foaming. Biogas is deployed in multiple ways: for gas mixing of the digester, for boilers to heat the process and to make steam for carbon regeneration, and for fuel for electricity generation in internal combustion engines. The off gas of the engines and boilers is directed back to the liquid treatment process to re-carbonate the flows after high lime chemical treatment for phosphorus capture.  Digestate and thickened WAS are blended and held in a short-term storage tank until called upon for centrifuge dewatering in Westfalia and Alfa Laval (Sharples) centrifuges, which both produce 20 percent cake feed to the dryers. Centrifuges and dryers are operated Monday through Friday.

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UOSA's three primary solids digesters with biogas collection system on their fixed covers

spotlight 8

The control panel for the polymer activation skid for UOSA’s automated polymer feed system

The polymer feed rate is automated, an example of UOSA’s culture of high performance.  Dosage is controlled by real time measurement of total suspended solids with a sensor in the centrate trough.   Operators clean the probes daily. and an instrument technician is on call when operators notice bad readings. A skid mounted polymer mixing system provided by ProMinent Fluid Controls replaced an earlier in-line mixer. Together, these improvements have helped control this costly aspect of solids treatment.

Thermal drying is followed by pellet cooling and screening. Oversized pellets can be crushed and undersized material can be returned for blending back in with fresh cake. The screened pellets are temporarily stored in silos, of which there are four, each with a 200-ton capacity. One of the silos is reserved for pellets that are determined to be not within specification as Class A product by temperature monitoring.  All silos are protected from hot spot development with a nitrogen purge system.  The entire drying operation is kept nearly dust free with the use of sonic air fans mounted in the ceiling and with regular hosing down of all surfaces. According to Gately: “We have had no explosions, knock on wood,” a sentiment to which Lead Operator Jimmy Ojeda quickly agrees. 

A constant in UOSA’s solids program is Synagro, the service company handling biosolids pellets as a soil amendment product for land application. Steve McMahon, Mid-Atlantic Product Sales Manager, arranges pellet distribution to landowners, golf courses, landscapers and soil blenders under the trade name Granulite in Virginia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Alabama and South Carolina.  UOSA understands that its pellets, with good uniformity and strength and with low odor, are among the best pellets that Synagro can offer to customers.  Should the pellets be off spec in any way for the fussier customers, McMahon can readily distribute them to farmers eager for the nutrients. Synagro also covers for UOSA the Virginia DEQ regulatory requirements for reporting and site permit compliance.

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Synagro markets UOSA pellets under its Granulite trade name to farmers and landscaping customers

With close attention to excellence in design, operations and maintenance of all steps in the solids treatment process, UOSA has a biosolids recycling program that stands with the best in the Mid-Atlantic region.

For more information, contact Mary (Firestone) Baker at [email protected] or 845-901-7905.

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